Understanding verb forms is essential for speaking English fluently. For Urdu speakers, learning the three forms of verbs (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) with meanings in Urdu can make English communication easier. This list of 1000 verb forms provides a solid foundation for beginners, helping them improve their language skills. Additionally, you can download a PDF version for quick revision and practice anytime.
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LIST OF 1000 Verb Forms IN URDU
Word | Meaning | Past | Past Participle |
Dare | جرات کرنا۔ہمت کرنا | Dared | Dared |
Darken | تاریک کرنا | Darkened | Darkened |
Dance | ناچنا | Danced | Danced |
Daggle | گیلی زمین پر گھسیٹنا | Daggled | Daggled |
Dabble | بھگو دینا۔پچارا دینا | Dabbled | Dabbled |
Dangle | جھومنا۔پیچھے لگے پھرنا | Dangled | Dangled |
Darn | رفوکرنا | Darned | Darned |
Dash | ٹکرانا۔توڑنا | Dashed | Dashed |
Daunt | ڈرانا۔بے دل کرنا | Daunted | Daunted |
Dawdle | وقت برباد کرنا | Dawdled | Dawdled |
Dawn | تڑکا ہونا۔شروع ہونا | Dawned | Dawned |
Depose | تخت سے اتارنا | Deposed | Deposed |
Deposit | جمع کرنا۔محفوظ کرنا | Deposited | Deposited |
Deprecate | عزر کرنا | Deprecated | Deprecated |
Depress | دبانا | Depressed | Depressed |
Deprive | محروم کرنا | Deprived | Deprived |
Depute | مختار کر کے بھیجنا | Deputed | Deputed |
Derive | اخز کرنا | Derived | Derived |
Derogate | منسوخ کرنا | Derogated | Derogated |
Defend | بچانا۔جواب دینا | Defended | Defended |
Defile | ناپاک کرنا | Defiled | Defiled |
Deflect | سیدھے راستے سے مڑنا | Deflected | Deflected |
Defy | مقابلہ کرنا۔للکارنا | Defied | Defied |
Degrade | حقیر کرنا | Degraded | Degraded |
Deify | تعظیم کرنا۔دیوتا کا رتبہ دینا | Deified | Deified |
Delay | تاخیر کرنا | Delayed | Delayed |
Delegate | سفیر کرنا | Delegated | Delegated |
Deliberate | غور کرنا | Deliberated | Deliberated |
Deliver | حوالے کرنا | Delivered | Delivered |
Demand | طلب کرنا | Demanded | Demanded |
Demarcate | حد باندھنا | Demarcated | Demarcated |
Demolish | مسمار کرنا | Demolished | Demolished |
Demonstrate | تشریح کرنا | Demonstrated | Demonstrated |
Demoralize | بد اطوار کرنا | Demoralized | Demoralized |
Denote | بتانا۔معنی دینا | Denoted | Denoted |
Denounce | ملامت کرنا | Denounced | Denounced |
Dress | پہنانا | Dressed | Dressed |
Dribble | قطرہ قطرہ ٹپکنا | Dribbled | Dribbled |
Drill | سوراخ کرنا | Drilled | Drilled |
Derive | چلانا | Derived | Derived |
Duplicate | نقل کرنا | Duplicated | Duplicated |
Dwell | سکونت کرنا | Dwelt | Dwelt |
Dwindle | گھٹنا | Dwindled | Dwindled |
Dye | رنگنا | Dyed | Dyed |
Drink | پینا | Drank | Drunk |
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