Verbs With Urdu Meanings

1200 English to Urdu Words For Daily Use PDF – Set 6

1200 Most important English Verbs In Hindi Download Free PDF SET 8, English to Urdu vocabulary PDF, English Vocabulary in Urdu and Hindi, 1000 English words with meanings PDF

Building a strong English vocabulary is key to improving communication skills in daily life. This resource includes 1200 commonly used English words with Urdu meanings, making it easier for learners to understand and use them effectively. It is designed to support spoken and written English, helping users enhance their language fluency.

The PDF is ideal for beginners and intermediate learners, covering basic vocabulary for everyday conversations. These words are essential for improving spoken English and building confidence in communication. Additional resources, such as 1200 English to Hindi Words PDF, are also available for learners exploring other languages.

English to Urdu Words For Daily Use

1200 Most important English Verbs In Hindi Download Free PDF SET 8, English to Urdu vocabulary PDF, English Vocabulary in Urdu and Hindi, 1000 English words with meanings PDF 1200 Most important English Verbs In Hindi Download Free PDF SET 8, English to Urdu vocabulary PDF, English Vocabulary in Urdu and Hindi, 1000 English words with meanings PDF 1200 Most important English Verbs In Hindi Download Free PDF SET 8, English to Urdu vocabulary PDF, English Vocabulary in Urdu and Hindi, 1000 English words with meanings PDF 1200 Most important English Verbs In Hindi Download Free PDF SET 8, English to Urdu vocabulary PDF, English Vocabulary in Urdu and Hindi, 1000 English words with meanings PDF

Word Meaning Past Past Participle
Face مقابلہ کرنا Faced Faced
Facilitate سہل کرنا۔سہولت مہیا کرنا Facilitated Facilitated
Fade زائل کرنا Faded Faded
Fail ناکام ہونا Failed Failed
Faint بیہوش ہونا Fainted Fainted
Fabricate جھوٹ بنانا۔ساخت کرنا Fabricated Fabricated
Fish مچھلی Fished Fished
Fire سلگانا۔گولی چلانا Fired Fired
Find پانا۔تلاش کرنا Found Found
Filtrate نتھارنا۔مقطر کرنا Filtrated Filtrated
Fill بھرنا Filled Filled
Fight لڑنا۔جنگ کرنا Fought Fought
Fiddle سارنگی بجانا Fiddled Fiddled
Fetch لے آنا۔لانا Fetched Fetched
Fence باڑ لگانا Fenced Fenced
Fell گرانا۔کاٹ ڈالنا Felled Felled
Feel محسوس کرنا Felt Felt
Feed پالنا۔غذا دینا Fed Fed
Fear ڈرنا Feared Feared
Favor حمایت کرنا Favored Favored
Fatten موٹا کرنا۔فربہ کرنا Fattened Fattened
Fash چھیڑنا۔دق کرنا Fashed Fashed
Fascinate موہ لینا۔جادو کرنا Fascinated Fascinated
Famish بھوکوں مرنا Famished Famished
Familiarize عادی ہونا Familiarized Familiarized
Fall گرنا Fell Fell
Fix مقرر کرنا Fixed Fixed
Flame شعلہ اٹھنا Flamed Flamed
Flavor مزہ دار کرنا Flavored Flavored
Fling پھینکنا۔طعنہ دینا Flang Flung
Flog کوڑے لگانا Flogged Flogged
Fluctuate کم و بیش ہونا۔اتار چھڑاؤ Fluctuated Fluctuated
Fly پرواز کرنا۔اڑنا Flew Flown
Follow پیچھا کرنا۔پیروی کرنا Followed Followed
Forget بھولنا۔معاف کرنا Forgot Forgotten
Forgive معاف کرنا Forgave Forgiven
Forsake ترک کرنا Forsook Forsaken
Fortify قلعہ بندی کرنا Fortified Fortified
Fraternize بھائیوں کا سا سلوک کرنا Fraternized Fraternized
Freeze جم جانا Forze Forzen
Frizzle پیچ دینا Frizzled Frizzled
Frustrate مایوس کرنا Frustrated Frustrated
Fry تلنا Fried Fried
Fuddle مدہوش کرنا Fuddled Fuddled
Fuse پگھلنا Fused Fused

Download PDF  1200 English to Urdu Words