Learn 1000 Verb forms list with Hindi meaning for beginners. Memorize three Verb Forms V1 V2 V3 English verbs with Hindi meaning PDF. The list contains Base (v1) , Past (v2) and past participle (v3) forms of verb with Hindi meanings.
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Verb forms list with Hindi meaning
Word | Meaning | Past | Past Participle |
Idolize | پرستش کرنا | Idolized | Idolized |
Ignify | آگ بنانا | Ignified | Ignified |
Ignite | آگ لگانا | Ignited | Ignited |
Ignore | کچھ خیال نا کرنا | Ignored | Ignored |
Illude | دھوکہ دینا | Illuded | Illuded |
Illuminate | روشن کرنا | Illuminated | Illuminated |
Imagine | تصور کرنا | Imagined | Imagined |
Imbank | بند باندھنا | Imbanked | Imbanked |
Imbibe | پی لینا۔ ذہن نشیں کرنا | Imbibed | Imbibed |
Imbrangle | الجھنا | Imbrangled | Imbrangled |
Imitate | نقل کرنا | Imitated | Imitated |
Indispose | ناراض کرنا | Indisposed | Indisposed |
Indulge | راضی کرنا | Indulged | Indulged |
Intimate | مطلع کرنا | Intimated | Intimated |
Interrupt | دخل دینا | Interrupted | Interrupted |
Interrogate | دریافت کرنا | Interrogated | Interrogated |
Interpret | تشریح کرنا | Interpreted | Interpreted |
Intermix | آپس میں ملانا | Intermixed | Intermixed |
Intermarry | آپس میں بیاہ شادی کرنا | Intermarried | Intermarried |
Interest | دلچسپی رکھنا | Interested | Interested |
Intend | ارادہ رکھنا | Intended | Intended |
Insure | بیمہ کرنا | Insured | Insured |
Insult | ذلیل کرنا | Insulted | Insulted |
Instigate | اکسانا | Instigated | Instigated |
Inspire | دم لینا۔ سانس لینا | Inspired | Inspired |
Inspect | معائنہ کرنا | Inspected | Inspected |
Insinuate | عیاری سے گھر جانا | Insinuated | Insinuated |
Inquire | دریافت کرنا۔تلاش کرنا | Inquired | Inquired |
Inoculate | قلم لگانا۔پابند کرنا | Inoculated | Inoculated |
Inherit | وارث ہونا | Inherited | Inherited |
Inhabit | باشندہ ہونا | Inhabited | Inhabited |
Infuriate | غصہ بھڑکانا | Infuriated | Infuriated |
Inflate | ہوا بھرنا۔پھلانا | Inflated | Inflated |
Inflame | روشن کرنا | Inflamed | Inflamed |
Issue | جاری کرنا | Issued | Issued |
Isolate | علیحدہ کرنا | Isolated | Isolated |
Irridiate | زیور سے آراستہ کرنا | Irridiated | Irridiated |
Involve | شامل کرنا | Involved | Involved |
Invite | دعوت دینا | Invited | Invited |
Invigorate | قوت دینا | Invigorated | Invigorated |
Invest | روپیہ لگانا | Invested | Invested |
Invent | ایجاد کرنا | Invented | Invented |
Introcate | الجھا ہوا ہونا | Introcated | Introcated |
Intoxicate | مدہوش ہونا | Intoxicated | Intoxicated |
Intimidate | خوف دلانا۔ڈرانا | Intimidated | Intimidated |
Jangle | بکواس کرنا | Jangled | Jangled |
Jeopardize | نقصان کرنا | Jeopardized | Jeopardized |
Jog | جھوم جھوم کر چلنا | Jogged | Jogged |
Joggle | بلانا | Joggled | Joggled |
Join | شامل کرنا۔متعلق ہونا | Joined | Joined |
Joke | ہنسی کرنا | Joked | Joked |
Jostle | دھکا دینا | Jostled | Jostled |
Justify | صحیح ثابت کرنا | Justified | Justified |
Judge | فیصلہ کرنا | Judged | Judged |
Joy | خوش کرنا | Joyed | Joyed |
Jump | چھلانگ لگانا | Jumped | Jumped |
Juggle | بازیگری کرنا | Juggled | Juggled |
Keel | الٹ دینا | Keeled | Keeled |
Note | لکھنا۔نوٹ کرنا | Noted | Noted |
Notify | اعلان کرنا۔اطلاع دینا | Notified | Notified |
Nourish | پالنا۔تقویت دینا | Nourished | Nourished |
Nullify | منسوخ کرنا | Nullified | Nullified |
Numerate | شمار کرنا | Numerated | Numerated |
Nuzzle | ناک چھیدنا | Nuzzled | Nuzzled |
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