
Animal idioms with Hindi and Urdu meanings

Animal idioms with hindi and urdu meanings and translation Idioms about animals. Idioms related to Animals PDF. Idioms for Animals with translation.

50 Animal related idioms will help you strengthen your English tremendously. Animal idioms cover almost all the idioms for animals.


A cold fish

Meaning:  an aloof unemotional person       (تنہائی پسند شخص)

Sentence:  Amjad rarely talks his colleagues. He’s cold fish.


Back the wrong horse

Meaning:  support the wrong person.  (غلط شخص کی حمایت)

Sentence:  I was convinced he would win but I back the wrong horse!


Back up the wrong tree

Meaning: to make the wrong choice; to follow the wrong course (غلط راہ پر چلنا/ٹامک ٹوئی کرنا)

Sentence: The police are barking up the wrong tree if they think Asif stole the car.


Have ants in one’s pants

Meaning:  be restless or excited        (بے چین یا پر جوش ہونا)

Sentence: This child just can’t sit still: she must have ants in her pants.


Bat out of hell

Meaning: move very quickly (تیز قدموں سے چلنا)

Sentence: He grabbed the envelope and ran like a bat out of hell.


Eager beaver

Meaning:  alert and energetic person (محنتی ، سر گرم یا جوشیلا شخص)

Sentence:  The new accountant works all the time. He’s a real eager beaver!


Bee in one’s bonnet

Meaning:  an occupying idea (سر پر سوار خیال / خبط)

Sentence:  She’s got a bee in her bonnet about moving to Karachi.


Go to the dogs

Meaning:  to deteriorate, to become bad (تباہ ہونا/بدحال ہونا)

Sentence:  Many things in our city have gone to the dogs during the last ten years.


Have bats in one’s belfry

Meaning:  to be a little bit crazy (سنکی یا خبطی ہونا)

Sentence: I think that our neighbor has bats in his belfry.


Take bull by the horns

Meaning:  act decisively to deal with a problem (ڈٹ کر سامنا کرنا)

Sentence:  When the argument turned into a fight, I took the bull by the horn and called the police.


Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: reveal a secret (رازافشاں کرنا/بلی تھیلے سے باہر نکالنا)

Sentence:  We are planning a surprise party for Asha. Don’t let the cat out of the bag.


Like a cat on hot bricks

Meaning:  nervous or restless (بے چین/پرشان)

Sentence:  The week before the result were published. She was like a cat on hot bricks.


Rain cats and dog

Meaning: rain very heavily             (زوروں کی بارش ہونا/موسلا دھار بارش ہونا)

Sentence: We‘ll have to cancel the picnic I’m afraid. It’s raining cats and dogs.


Chicken feed

Meaning:  A meager amount (اونٹ کے منہ میں زیرہ/آٹے میں نمک کے برابر)

Sentence:  I got the job during the holidays but the pay was chicken feed.


Chicken out of

Meaning: decided against something; stay away (حصہ نہ لینا /پرے پرے رہنا)

Sentence: He decided to join a karate class. But chickened out the last minute.


A cash cow

Meaning:  regular source of income (مستقل ذریعہ آمدن)

Sentence:  His latest invention turned out to be a real cash cow.


Till the cows come home

Meaning: for a long time or forever (ہمیشہ کے لیے /طویل عرصے کے لیے)

Sentence:  you can ask till the cows come home but I’m not buying your scooter!


Shed crocodile tears

Meaning:  shed falls tears or show insincere grief (مگر مچھ کے آنسو بہانا/ ٹسوے بہنا)

Sentence:  The child wasn’t hurt. But she shed crocodile tears any way.


Eat crow

Meaning: admit your fault and apologies (غلطی ماننا اور معذرت کرنا)

Sentence: He had no option but eat crow and admit that this analysis was wrong.


Dog’s breakfast

Meaning: complete mass (بکھری ہوئی چیزوں / جہاں ہر چیز بے تر تیب ہو)

Sentence:  The new secretary made a dog’s breakfast out of the filing system.


Like a dog with two tails

Meaning: extremely happy (انتہائی خوش)

Sentence: When Asim won the first prize, he was like dogs with two tails.


My dogs are barking

Meaning: my feet are hurting (میرے پاؤں میں درد ہے)

Sentence:  I’ve been shopping all day. My dogs are barking!


Donkey’s work

Meaning: unpleasant or boring work (آسان کام)

Sentence: I do the donkey work, my boss gets the credit!


Sitting duck

Meaning:  an easy target, a person who is easy to deceive.    (سادہ لوح/ آسان شکار)

Sentence: The young was a sitting duck for the photographer.


Fly in the ointment

Meaning: hindrance, problem     (کوئی رکاوٹ یا مسئلہ)

Sentence: Ali’s poor English was a fly in the ointment when he applied for the job.


Sly as a fox

Meaning: cunning and clever (لومڑی جیسا چالاک / عیار)

Sentence:  Be wary of that insurance salesman. He’s sly as a fox.


Knee-high to the grasshopper

Meaning: very young or a child (بچہ)

Sentence: Look how tall you are! Last time I saw you. You were knee-high to a grasshopper.


Flog a dead horse

Meaning: waste energy on a lost cause (گڑے مردے اکھاڑنا)

Sentence:  Ali is beating a dead horse trying to get his money back from Assad.


Straight from horse’s mouth

Meaning: information from direct source     (باخبرترین ذریعے سے/ براہ راست متعلقہ شخص سے)

Sentence:  I got it straight from the horse’s mouth. Sami told me that he was going to resign.


Lion’s share

Meaning: largest portion or the best part  (بڑا یا بہترین راستہ)

Sentence:  The lion’s share of our country’s budget goes for defense.


Monkey business

Meaning: deceitful practice; something wrong(گڑبڑ/دھوکا بازی)

Sentence: The result seem suspicious. I think there’s some monkey business going on.


Quiet as a mouse

Meaning: completely quiet(با لکل خاموش)

Sentence: The burglar was quiet as a mouse as he moved around the house.


Stubborn as a mule

Meaning: very obstinate and stubborn(انتہائی ضدی  یا ڈھیٹ)

Sentence:  His friends advised him to accept the offer. but Ali is stubborn as a mule!


Stool pigeon (مخبر)       
Meaning: informer
Sentence: I don’t trust Javed. He’s a stool pigeon for the management.


Smell a rat

Meaning: suspect that something is wrong(گڑبڑ محسوس کرنا)

Sentence:  The profit announced are abnormally low. I smell a rat.



Snake in the grass

Meaning: a treacherous or deceitful person  (آستین کا سانپ/ چھپا دشمن)

Sentence: I thought I could trust my colleague but he turned out to be a snake in the grass.


Paper tiger

Meaning:  less powerful than it appears(کاغذی شیر/  دکھاوے کا بہادر)

Sentence:  He threatens to take strong action but he’s just another paper tiger.


Whale of a time

Meaning: enjoy a lot (خوب لطف اٹھانا)

Sentence: We had a whale of a time at the party last night.


Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Meaning: look harmless bur really very dangerous.( بھیڑ کی کھال میں بھیڑیا / چھپادشمن )

Sentence: Be careful. He looks kind but in fact he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


Donkey’s years

Meaning:  a very long time (طویل عرصہ)

Sentence:  He Knows the town inside out .He’s been living here for donkey’s year.


Meaning: suspect that something is wrong(گڑبڑ محسوس کرنا)

Sentence:  The profit announced are abnormally low. I smell a rat.


Snake in the grass

Meaning: a treacherous or deceitful person  (آستین کا سانپ/ چھپا دشمن)

Sentence: I thought I could trust my colleague but he turned out to be a snake in the grass.


Paper tiger

Meaning:  less powerful than it appears(کاغذی شیر/  دکھاوے کا بہادر)

Sentence:  He threatens to take strong action but he’s just another paper tiger.


Whale of a time

Meaning: enjoy a lot (خوب لطف اٹھانا)

Sentence: We had a whale of a time at the party last night.


Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Meaning: look harmless bur really very dangerous.( بھیڑ کی کھال میں بھیڑیا / چھپادشمن )

Sentence: Be careful. He looks kind but in fact he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


Donkey’s years

Meaning:  a very long time (طویل عرصہ)

Sentence:  He Knows the town inside out .He’s been living here for donkey’s year.