Verbs With Urdu Meanings

1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu Meaning Download PDF

1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning Download PDF for beginners with Urdu translation. Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning with v1, v2, v3.

Learning verb forms is crucial for English speaking and writing. This list of 1000 verb forms with Urdu meanings helps Urdu speakers understand and use verbs correctly. It includes the first, second, and third forms of verbs, making it easier to memorize and apply them in daily conversations. To support your learning, you can also download the PDF for offline practice and quick revision.

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1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning

PDF پوسٹ کے آخر میں دی گئی ہے

Word Meaning Past Past Participle
Gabble بک بک کرنا Gabbled Gabbled
Gallop سرپٹ دوڑانہ Galloped Galloped
Gamble جوا کھیلنا Gambled Gambled
Gargle کلی کرنا۔غرارہ کرنا Gargled Gargled
Garnish سنوارنا۔آراستہ کرنا Garnished Garnished
Gaze ٹکٹکی لگانا۔گھورنا Gazed Gazed
Generalize ترتیب دینا Generalized Generalized
Generate پیدا کرنا Generated Generated
Get حاصل کرنا Got Got
Giggle کھلکھلانا(خاص قسم کی ہنسی) Giggled Giggled
Gild سونا چڑھانا Gilded Gilded
Give دینا Gave Given
Glare چمکنا۔دمکنا۔غور سے دیکھنا Glared Glared
Glisten چمکنادمکنا Glistened Glistened
Glitter بہت زیادہ چمکنا Glittered Glittered
Glow جلنا Glowed Glowed
Gloze چاپلوسی کرنا Glozed Glozed
Gnaw کترنا Gnawed Gnawed
Go جانا۔چلنا Went Gone
Gobble ہڑپ کرنا Gobbled Gobbled
Goggle آنکھ گھمانا Goggled Goggled
Grasp گرفت کرنا Grasped Grasped
Gratulate کسی کی کامیابی پر خوش ہونا Gratulated Gratulated
Grave کھودنا Graved Graved
Graze گھاس کھانا۔رگڑنا Grazed Grazed
Grudge حسد کرنا Grudged Grudged
Guard حفاظت کرنا Guarded Guarded
Guide رہنمائی کرنا Guided Guided
Guzzle زیادہ پینا یا کھانا Guzzled Guzzled
Habituate عادی ہونا Habituated Habituated
Haggle کترنا۔پرزے کرنا Haggled Haggled
Hallow مقدس کرنا۔پاک کرنا Hallowed Hallowed
Handcuff ہتھکڑی پہنانا Handcuffed Handcuffed
Handle قابو کرنا۔بندوبست کرنا Handled Handled
Happen واقع ہونا Happened Happened
Harden سخت کرنا Hardened Hardened
Harmonize سر ملانا۔ہم آہنگ ہونا Harmonized Harmonized
Hatch بچے نکالنا Hatched Hatched
Hate نفرت کرنا Hated Hated
Haunt بار بار آنا جانا۔آسیب زدہ ہونا Haunted Haunted
Heal اچھا ہونا Healed Healed
Hear سننا Heard Heard
Heat گرم کرنا Heated Heated
Heave اٹھانا ۔پھولنا Heaved Heaved
Hedge احاطہ بندی کرنا Hedged Hedged
Help مدد کرنا Helped Helped
Hesitate ہچکچانہ Hesitated Hesitated
Hew کلہاڑی سے کاٹنا Hewed Hewed
Hide چھپانا Hid Hidden
Hint اشارہ کرنا Hinted Hinted
Hire کرایہ پہ لینا Hired Hired
Hobble لنگڑا کر چلنا Hobbled Hobbled
Hold پکڑنا Held Held
Hop ایک تانگ پر اچھلنا Hopped Hopped
Hope توقع کرنا Hoped Hoped
Hopple پیر میں زنجیر باندھنا Hoppled Hoppled
Horse گھوڑے پر سوار ہونا Horsed Horsed
Hug گلے ملنا۔چھاتی سے لگانا Hugged Hugged
Humanize انسان بنانا Humanized Humanized
Hunt شکار کرنا Hunted Hunted
Hurt زخمی کرنا Hurt Hurt
Hurtle دھوکہ دینا Hurtled Hurtled
Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning Download PDF for beginners with Urdu translation. 1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning with v1, v2, v3.
Learn 1200 English Verbs With Urdu and Hindi Meanings PDF

1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning Download PDF for beginners with Urdu translation. 1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning with v1, v2, v3.

Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning Download PDF for beginners with Urdu translation. 1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning with v1, v2, v3.
Learn 1200 English Verbs With Urdu and Hindi Meanings PDF

Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning Download PDF for beginners with Urdu translation. 1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning with v1, v2, v3.

Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning Download PDF for beginners with Urdu translation. 1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning with v1, v2, v3.
Learn 1200 English Verbs With Urdu and Hindi Meanings PDF

Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning Download PDF for beginners with Urdu translation. 1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning with v1, v2, v3.

Download 1200 English Verbs PDF

Click to Learn Set Number 2 of 1000 Forms of verbs with Urdu meaning

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