100 Core Urdu Words in English Watch Video and PDF Learn most important English words with Urdu meanings for speaking English fast. Let us improve your English vocabulary through Urdu and Hindi Meanings these words are little bit difficult but very important in our daily life use you can use these words everywhere and in every situation while speaking English.
Urdu | English |
رحم | Beneficence |
الماری | Cabinet |
امرود | Guava |
انار | Pomegranate |
برتن | Crockery / Pot |
بینگن | Brinjal |
بھانجی۔بھتیجی | Niece |
بخار | Temperature/Fever |
چھالہ | Bleb |
چنے | Grains |
چھت | Ceiling /Roof |
چھینک | Sneeze |
چھٹی | Vacation \Leave |
دار چینی | Cinnamon |
حالات | Circumstances/Conditions |
حلقہ | Zone |
حرام | ill Gotten / Forbidden |
حجاب | Veil |
حوصلہ افزائی | Encouragement |
املی | Tamarind |
جنت | Heaven/Paradise |
جاپانی پھل | Japanese tomato |
جھاڑو | Broom |
جگر | Liver |
جگنُو | Firefly |
بُرا | Bad / worst |
پسینہ | Sweat |
پتہ | Leaf |
پیٹ | Belly / stomach |
سوجی | Manioc |
تعریف | Praise/esteem |
ترقی | Progress/Success |
تعزیت | Condolence |
تحصیل | Taulka /Tehsil |
توتلا | Stammerer |
خربوزہ | Melon |
خوشبو | Fragrance |
عجوبہ | Marvel /wonder |
السی | Flax-seed |
گونگا | Dumb |
بہرا | Deaf |
بلغم | Mucus |
بواسیر | Piles |
بیماری | illness /disease |
بیر۔دشمنی | Animosity |
خارش | Scabies |
پرکار | Compass |
پسلی | Rib |
تربیت | Foster-age |
تِل | Mole |
توری | Zucchini |
اجوائن | Parsley |