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Birthday Vocabulary List with Urdu Meanings

Birthday Vocabulary list with Urdu meanings, English to Urdu vocabulary

Birthdays are joyous occasions celebrated with love, laughter, and festivity. Whether you’re planning a vibrant party or a simple gathering, knowing the right words can enhance the experience. In this blog post, we explore essential birthday-related vocabulary along with their Urdu meanings, helping you express emotions, decorations, and festivities more eloquently. From dazzling decorations to heartfelt blessings, this guide will enrich your birthday celebrations with meaningful words and cultural depth.

Word Meaning Translation
Anniversary Yearly date commemorating a special event برسی، پیدائش، سالگرہ
Celebrate Hold festivities خوشی منانا
Celebration Festivities جشن، تہوار
Occasion Event موقع
Rejoice Be joyful, be happy خوش ہونا، خوشی منانا، باغ باغ ہونا
Blessings Grace رحمت، کرم، فضل، برکت
Breathtaking Breath stopping, awesome دم بخود کرنے والا
Dazzling Blinding, stunning چمکتا ہوا، روشن، چکاچوند کرنے والا
Decoration Ornament, adornment سجاوٹ کا سامان، آرائش
Delightful Enjoyable, pleasant دل کش، مسرت بخش، خوشگوار
Embellishment Adornment, ornament سجاوٹ، سامان زیبائش، سنگھار
Fabulous Wonderful, marvelous, imaginary بناوٹی، مصنوعی، روایتی
Fanciful Imaginary, unreal غیر حقیقی، خیالی، طلسماتی
Grandeur Magnificence آب و تاب، طم طراق، شان و شوکت
Hospitality Warm reception of guests into one’s home مہمان نوازی، خاطر مدارات
Charming Nice, fascinating دلربا، دلآویز، دلفریب
Colourful Full of colors, exciting and interesting رنگارنگ
Companionship Friendship, fellowship سنگت، ساتھ، ہمراہی
Confetti Small bits of colored papers
Joyful Filled with gladness, bringing joy and delight مسرت بخش
Joyous Happy, jubilant پرمسرت، پرلطف
Restful Calm, peaceful آرام دہ، پرسکون
Shindig Party, celebration رقص اور ہنگامے سے بھرپور کوئی اجتماع
Shrieking Having loud shrill cry چیختا ہوا
Sparkle Glimmer, twinkle خوب چمکنا، جگمگ کرنا
Spectacle Something amazing that can be seen تماشا، نظارہ
Vibrant Lively, filled with action تھرتھراتا ہوا
Festive Like a feast, joyful پرمسرت
Wingding (slang) Noisy party مزاح سے بھرپور
Fun-filled Full of fun تفریح سے بھرپور
Memorable Important, unforgettable یادگار



Birthday Vocabulary list in Urdu-1

Birthday Vocabulary list in Urdu-2

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