Learning English idioms with their meanings in Urdu is an effective way to improve your English speaking skills. Idioms are expressions that convey meanings beyond the literal words, adding variety and richness to your language. Understanding these phrases helps you communicate more naturally and effectively in everyday conversations.
This guide focuses on common idioms and their Urdu meanings to help learners enhance their comprehension and usage. Incorporating idioms into your speech can boost fluency and confidence, making your communication more engaging and expressive. It’s a practical step toward mastering English language skills.
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Idioms with Their Meanings in Urdu
Idiom | Definition | Sentences |
Above all
سب سے بڑھ کراہم |
Most important of all | Ali is wise, hard-working and above all honest. |
After all
بہرحال |
In spite of what has been said/done | You should help Asad, after all he is your friend. |
Beneath one’s dignity
شان کےخلاف |
Below one’s worth | It is below your dignity to disobey your teacher. |
Better half
جیون ساتھی |
Husband or wife | His better half is a good housekeeper. |
A bird’s eye view
سرسرینظر |
A view seen from above | We got a bird’s eye view of city from the top of the tower. |
Birds of a feather
ہم مزاج لوگ |
People with similar tastes, interests | He will get on well with Adil, they are birds of a feather. |
To the bitter end
آخری انجام تک |
Until the end even though this is difficult | The workers vowed to fight to the bitter end for their rights. |
Below the belt
نامناسب |
Unfair , cruel | You know, it is below the belt to cheat a friend. |
Broken reed
نا قابل اعتبارشخص |
A person who has become untrustworthy | I cannot trust him as he is a broken reed. |
Bring something to light
سامنے لانا |
Make something known | New facts about the war have been brought to light. |
Build castles in the air
خیالی پلاؤ پکانا |
Day-dream | To pass examination without hard work is like to build castles in the air. |
A close-fisted man
کنجوس شخص |
A miserly person | He does not spend any money as he is a close-fisted man. |
Come to terms/make terms
سمجھوتا کر لینا |
To make an agreement | At last they had to come to terms. |
Come to grief
نا کام ہوجانا |
To fail | Their plan came to grief in the end. |
Come to an end
ختم ہونا |
To finish | The war came to an end at last. |
Be at daggers drawn
ایک دوسرے کے سخت مخالف ہونا |
Be hostile | She is at daggers drawn with her husband. |
Cut something short
مختصر کر دینا |
To stop doing something earlier than you planned | His glittering career was cut short by a heart attack. |
A dog’s life
ذلت کی زندگی |
Disgraceful life | Death is better than a dog’s life. |
Fair or square deal
منصفانہ سلوک |
Fair treatment | Most of the workers do not think that they are getting a square deal. |
Find fault with
عیب نکالنا |
To criticize somebody or something often unfairly | Do not try to find faults with others, mend yourself first. |
Go up in smoke
تباہ ہوجانا |
Be destroyed | Her dream of becoming doctor went in smoke when she could not get admission to a medical college. |
Be at hand
قریب ہونا |
Near ,close by | I am working hard as the examination is at hand. |
Be hard up
غریب,تنگی میں ہونا |
Not having enough money | He is too hard up to enjoy even a single meal a day. |
hard and fast
قائم ،معین |
Fixed and not able to be changed | We will have to follow the hard and fast rules of this office. |
Hair-breath escape/ narrow escape
بال بال بچنا |
Just to avoid danger | Adeel had a narrow escape from drowning((ڈوبنے سے. |
بے کارشخص / چیز |
Someone who never does anything useful | The Government should get rid(چھٹکارا پانا) of those departments which are good-for-nothing. |
Golden age
سنہری دور |
A period of success | The Muslims remember golden age of their forefathers. |
Green horn
نا تجربہ کار شخص |
One who lacks experience | The man can easily be tricked as he is a green horn. |
Golden opportunity
سنہری موقع |
A very good chance to do or achieve something | Wise men avail themselves of golden opportunities. |
Heart and soul
دل و جان سے |
Completely | She loves her son heart and soul. |
High and mighty
مغرور |
Proud | People dislike him as he always tries to be high and mighty . |
In black and white
تحریری |
Written | Saleem makes every agreement in black and white. |
In a nutshell
مختصرََ |
In a short , clear way | To put it in a nutshell, the show was very exciting. |
Hold one’s tongue
بکواس بند کرو |
To angrily tell someone to stop speaking | Hold your tongue and do not abuse him like that. |
Hold one’s head high/up
سربُلند ہونا |
To be very confident and proud | Those who do noble deeds can hold their heads high. |
Hold one’s own
ڈٹے رہنا |
To defend yourself in a difficult situation | Although he is new in this race, he seems to be holding his own. |
Hue and cry
شوروغوغا |
A great noise | There was a great hue and cry in the battle field. |
Hold no brief for
حما یت نہ کرنا |
To not support or be in favour of | You should hold no brief for this criminal. |
Be at large
آ زاد ہونا |
Be free | The two robbers are still at large. |
Lead somebody astray
گمراہ کرنا |
To encourage someone to do immoral things | Ali was led astray by some of his friends. |
Leave in lurch
مصیبت میں ساتھ چھو ڑنا |
Leave in crisis | Do not leave your friends in the lurch. |
Lame excuse
جھوٹا بہانا |
False excuse | You cannot win her favour by lame excuses. |
In the teeth of
مشکلات کے با وجود |
Despite something such as problems or difficulties | The bill was passed in the teeth of strong opposition. |
Jack of all trades
ہرفن مولا |
Someone who can do many types of work | Naeem is jack of all trades but master of none. |
Keep an eye on
نگہداشت کرنا |
To look after someone or something | Please keep an eye on things here until I get back. |
Keep at arm’s length
فاصلے پررکھنا |
To avoid becoming too friendly with someone | The teachers should keep the students at arm’s length. |
Keep something dark
رازرکھنا |
To keep something secret | They kept their meeting dark. |
Keep one’s temper
غصے پرقابورکھنا |
Not to show anger | He could not keep his temper when Ali abused him. |
Keep open house
مہمان نوازی کو تیار رہنا |
Be ready to entertain anyone who comes | He keeps open house for his guests. |
Keep pace with
قدم بقدم |
To move as fast as someone or something else | Incomes have failed to keep pace with ever increasing dearness. |
Maiden speech
پہلی تقریر |
First speech | She impressed us with her maiden speech. |
Make the best of it
نا کامی کو کامیابی میں بدلنا |
To try fully to turn failure into success | The job was against her taste, but she made the best of it. |
Make both ends meet
مشکل سے گزر بسرکرنا |
To live within one’s income | It is very difficult for the poor to make both ends meet. |
Make a mountain of a molehill
بتنگڑ بنانا /رائ کا پہاڑ بنانا |
To exaggerate the seriousness of a problem | Our boss made mountain of a molehill when he fired Ahmad for making a little mistake. |
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