Schaums Outlines Spanish Vocabulary is a book for learning English Vocabulary through Spanish Effectively. This book contains about 50 topics For Vocabulary learning. Download this book from the link given below.
- Air travel—Viajando en avión
- On the airplane—En el avión
- Security control, passport control and customs—
El control de seguridad, control de pasaportes
y la aduana - At the train station—En la estación de ferrocarril
- The automobile—El automóvil
- Making a phone or cell phone call—Haciendo una llamada telefónica o celular
- Public bathroom—El lavatorio público
- At the hotel—En el hotel
- At the bank—En el banco
- At the post office—En el correo
- At the hairdresser’s—En la peluquería
- At the clothing store—En la tienda de ropa
- At the dry cleaner’s—En la tintorería
- At the restaurant—En el restaurante
- Shopping for food—Comprando los comestibles
- At home—En casa, El hogar
- At the doctor’s office—En la consulta (el consultorio) del médico
- At the hospital—En el hospital
- At the theater and the movies—En el teatro y en el cine
- Sports—Los deportes
- The beach—La playa
- Skiing—El esquí
- Camping—El camping
- The weather—El tiempo
- Crime—Delitos y crímenes
- Education—La educación
- Business—El comercio
- The Computer—La computadora
- Government and politics—El gobierno yla política
- Days of the week—Los días de la semana
- Months of the year and dates—Los meses del añoy las fechas
- Time and expressions of time—La hora y expresiones de tiempo
- Spanish-speaking countries and nationalities— Países y nacionalidades de habla española
- Numbers—Los números
- Foods—Las comidas