The Tools and Weapons Vocabulary is all about the words we use to describe the things we make and use. It’s like a special language for tools and weapons. Tools are things we use to build, fix, or create other things. There are simple tools like hammers and wrenches, and more complex ones like machines you find in a workshop. Each tool has its own special name. Weapons are things that people use for defense or to fight. They include swords, guns, and other items used in battles. Each weapon has a specific name too.
Exploring this vocabulary is like discovering a history of how people have made things and protected themselves. It’s like unlocking the secrets of human invention and defense. So, let’s dive into the world of Tools and Weapons Vocabulary and learn more about the words that describe these important items.
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Words | Meanings |
Griddle | توا |
Pestle & Mortar | کونڈی ڈنڈا |
Pliers | پلاس |
Hammer | ہتھوڑا |
Wok | کڑاہی |
Screw Driver | پیچکس |
Mallet | لکڑی کا ہتھوڑا |
Ladder | سیڑھی |
Tape measure | پیمائش کا فیتہ |
Lawn mover | گھاس کاٹنے والی مشین |
Wheel barrow | دستی ریڑھی |
Gloves | دستانے |
Tongs | چمٹا |
Sword | تلوار / talwaar |
Spinning wheel | چرخہ / charkhaa |
Spade | کدال / kaddaal |
Sickle | درانتی / draanti |
Scythe | کھرپہ،درانتی / khurpaa, draanti |
Scabbard | نیام / niyyaam |
Sabre | تلوار / talwaar |
Rapier | ہلکی تلوار / halki talwaar |
Quiver | ترکش / turkash |
Prong | کانٹا / kaanta |
Pliers | پلاس / plaas |
Pestle | موصلی،ٹبہ / moslee, tabbaa |
Morter | کھرل،اوکھلی / kharl , okhalee |
Mattock | پھاؤڑا / phaaora |
Loom | خھڈی / khuddi |
Hoe | بیلچہ / bailchaa |
Handsaw | آری / aari |
Hammer | ہتھوڑا / hathoraa |
Forge | بھٹی / bhutti |
Scissors | قینچی / qainchee |
Spear | نیزہ / naizaa |
Lance | برچھی/ barchhi |
Spindle | تکلہ / taklaa |
Handcuff | ہتھکڑی / hathkari |
Shovel | پھاوڑی،بیلچہ / phaaori,bailchaa |
Hatchet | کلہاڑا/ kulhaara |
Nut cracker | سروتہ / sarotaa |
Plough | ہل / hall |
Chisel | چھینی / chhaini |
Plane | رندہ / randaa |
Catridge | کارتوس / kaartoos |
Dagger | خنجر / khanjar |
Cannon | توپ / toap |
Achor | لنگر / langar |
Angle | مچلی پکڑنے کا آلہ / machhli pakarny kaa aala |
Armour | زرہ بکتر / zurraa baktar |
Gunpowder | بارود /baarood |
Arrow | تیر / teer |
Bullet | گولی / golli |
Auger | برما / burmaa |
Bow | کمان / kamaan |
Axe | کلہاڑی / kulhaari |
Compass | پرکار / parkaar |
Whet stone | سامان / samaan |
Drill | برما / barmaa |
Cleaver | قصاب کی چھڑی / qasaab ki chari |
Pistol | پستول / pistol |
Revolver | طنپچہ / tanpuchaa |
File | ریتی/Reti |
Trying Plane | رندہ /Randa |
Screw Driver | پیچکس/Pechakas |
Bolt | پیچ/Pech |