Vegetables Name in Urdu and English with Pictures learn Vegetables Vocabulary names commonly used in Pakistan and India with their meanings in Urdu and Hindi using their pictures also download PDF Book. Vegetables play an important role in our life we use them everyday in different ways especially making eatable dishes so it is important to learn their names in English as we all know English is very important these days. So you can learn vegetables names we often use in our life for eatable purpose with their pictures and also you can download PDF Book for this lesson.
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Okra | بھنڈی |
Onion | پیاز |
Peas | مٹر |
Potato | آلو |
Radish | مولی |
Spinach | پالک |
Tomato | ٹماٹر |
Celery | اجمود |
Green Chili | مرچ |
Corn | مکئی |
Cucumber | کھیرا |
Garlic | لہسن |
Ginger | ادرک |
Zucchini | توری |
Green Bean | سبز پھلی |
Eggplant | بینگن |
Turnip | شلجم |
Bell Pepper | شملہ مرچ |
Bitter Gourd | کریلا |
Carrot | گاجر |
Coriander | دھنیا |
Mustard Leaves | سرسوں کے پتے |
Fennel | موٹی سونف |
Beetroot | چکندر |
Sweet Potato | شکر کندی |
Olive | زیتون |
Lemon | لیموں |
Horseradish | مونگا |
Moringa | سوہنجنا |
Knol Khol | گانٹھ گوبھی |
Leek | گندنا |
Lettuce | سلاد پتا |
Lotus Root | بہن |
Mushroom | کھمبی |
Ash Gourd | پیٹھا |
Raw Mango | کیری |
Swiss Chard | سفید چکندر |
Artichoke | فرشوف |
Cabbage | بند گوبھی |
Cauliflower | پھول گوبھی |
Apple Gourd | ٹنڈے |
Bottle Gourd | لوکی |
Yam | اروی |
Mint | پودینا |
Parsnip | چکبصور |
Fava Bean | موٹی سیم |
Bok Choy | چائنیز پالک |
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